I spent last week driving up and down the length of my state. I was working on some commercials for the Department of Tourism. I had a blast. I met new people. Worked with a new crew. Saw places I’d never seen before. After 1400 miles, our final destination for filming was Gulf Shores. We wrapped and after a late night at the karaoke bar (I’ve got rap skills) I headed to bed.
I was out of gas…
On the way home, I stopped two hours into my trip to fuel up only to realize I left my wallet at the hotel. The nearest Wells Fargo was forty miles away and I was on empty… in the middle of nowhere.

Have you ever been in trouble? Ever been stranded? Have you ever had one of those “what now” moments? In those times, it’s usually never “what do I do” that gets the job done. It’s almost always, “who do I call?”
A couple of phone calls, twenty minutes later, a bit of embarrassment and my tank was full. I called a friend who called his dad. Before he left, he mentioned that work was slow and asked me to pray for his situation. Just the day before, I had texted a friend of mine asking for the same.
Because of my relationship, I didn’t go without when caught in a jam. I’ve been blessed with some incredible friends. And, I’m convinced there are few places in the world I could go and not have the safety net of relationships if needed.
It doesn’t matter what you need
Your relationships are your greatest resource. They are more valuable than money or clout. More valuable than fame or success.
Your relationships are your greatest resource. They are more valuable than money or clout. More valuable than fame or success.
Do you need:
- wisdom
- finance
- laughter
- a couch to sleep on
- comfort
- perspective
- someone to carry the casket
- accountability
- companionship
- someone to watch your dog
- prayer
- a ride to the airport
- someone to cry with
- correction
- permission to feel angry
Who’s on your list?
Of course, the purpose of relationships isn’t just about ifilling a need. But, that’s for another discussion. The point is, it doesn’t matter what you need, you will find the answer in your relationships. This means, you better cultivate some deep ones.
A good question to ask yourself is: Who’s on your list when the poo hits the fan?
A much better question to ponder is: Who has you on their list?