Today is the day when people around the world celebrate the simple truth that God does things differently… much much differently.
A couple of weeks ago I was trying to explain this to my nine-year-old when we came across Paul’s writing, “God chose the foolish things to shame the wise.” I broke it down like this…
Kick Butt and Take Names
Undoubtedly, we’ve all seen superhero movies where the world needs saving from aliens or bad guys or some other menacing threat. These are some of the highest grossing films that studios put out and we simply can’t get enough. We love it when the hero swoops in at the last moment and saves the day.
We love it because that’s how we would do things. The world needs saving and so we send a show of force. We send in the big guns. Shock and awe. Military superiority. Air power. Kick butt and take names.
Upside Down
But, God doesn’t do things our way. When the world needs saving… he sends a baby. A child that grows up not into a powerful ruler but a humble man willing to be the recipient of rejection, abuse and torture.
It’s foolish. It confounds us. It makes no sense at all. But then again, not a lot about Jesus makes sense to our natural instincts.
“Turn the other cheek…”
“Pray for your enemies…”
“Sell all you have and give to the poor…”
“Forgive over and over those who have wronged you…”
It’s all upside down. It’s ironic that while we want God to do things our way, once a year we celebrate the fact that he doesn’t. And, with all the vigor and energy we can muster! We think we’re celebrating a cute little baby but God didn’t send “baby Jesus” to be cute. He sent him to save the world. To redeem us. To make things right. To make us right.
Desperate Prayers
A lot of people are facing real challenges. Many prayers are being offered. Some are desperate “Hail Mary” prayers. Some are simple pleas for help. Others are angry and loud. Often times, we want answers to come dramatically and quickly, much like a superhero with superpowers. But God rarely works that way.
The road back may not make sense.
The answer may not be the one you wanted.
The “wisdom” that got you into your present circumstance will need God’s “foolishness” to get you out.
And, it’ll be upside down. But be reminded of this: the same God who had you in mind when he sent this precious child… he hears and sees you today. He may be silent but he is neither deaf nor blind.
A Christmas Prayer
No matter what you are facing, may today be the day you find comfort in the manger.
May today be the day you find peace in the God who does things differently. And may that peace wash away your frustration even when that frustration is with him.
May you be reminded that although your prayers are slow to be answered and your pain is so very great, there’s a Savior that loves you deeply. God has come near. He has come close.
Read it again:
God has come near. He has come close.
…and he can be trusted.